MKA Middlesex – Covid-19 Compliance at National Tabligh Forum
The Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya (MKA) UK National Tabligh Team arranged a Tabligh Training Forum on 5th December 2021 at Baitul Fatuh Mosque for all Regional and Local Tabligh Nazimeen from the south region. The event was attended by 77 khuddam from the southern regions.
In order to ensure Covid-19 compliance, four khuddam from the MKA Hayes East Jamaat were assigned as Covid-19 officers. The khuddam on duty ensured that all participants above 16 had at least a single vaccination and those above 18 were double vaccinated. Moreover, the Covid-19 offices ensured that participants had the proof of negative Lateral Flow Tests (LTF) taken in the last 24 hours. LTF were also conducted on the spot for those khuddam who had not carried out the test themselves. In total the team conducted 60 LTF tests.
The Covid-19 officers ensured compliance with covid-19 guidelines as advised by the UK Government and MKA from 8:00am to 2:30pm, contributing 26 man-hours of work towards ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all.
Jazak’Allah wa Ahsanal Jaza to all Hayes East Jamaat khuddam Salman Rashid, Muhammad Iqbal Javed, Ihtasham Baig, Syed Asad Hussain, and Rana Adnan (Hounslow West Jamaat) for their hard work and sacrifice. May Allah bless them immensely. Ameen.