The purpose of the Amoor-e-Tuluba (student affairs) department is to raise the religious, moral and educational standard of Ahmadi students, especially those in colleges and universities. The department ought to safeguard the students from the present materialistic atmosphere and to direct them to adhere to Islamic spirit and customs.

What we do
Our national and regional teams are here to support you with your direct queries, whether it is help with your higher or further education (including UCAS applications and help choosing courses), or career guidance or anything else. You can contact us by emailing us at [email protected] or clicking on the link below. If you are considering applying for Medicine or Oxbridge, then it is really important that you contact us so we can offer you specific advice.
Contact us

MKA Student Surgery
For secondary school students, we have created a specific platform where you can get after school hours help from Ahmadi school teachers. To register for the platform please fill out this form:
Sign up

Regional + Local Amoor-e-Tuluba
Each region is planning to hold regular events focussed just on students. These meetings will focus on your local needs, whether it is a discussion on contemporary issues, careers focussed or more social fun interactive sessions. Please contact your Regional or Local Amoor-e-Tuluba secretaries for more information.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Associations or AMSAs, were first established 1996 on the advice of the then Nazir Taleem, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba). The AMSAs are university societies setup to provide a support network for students in their respective university. If you would like to find out about your local university AMSA or you would like to setup an AMSA in your university, please contact [email protected].

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association (AMRA) was first established in 2009 as part of Amoor-e-Tuluba under the direct guidance of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmed (aba). AMRA is there to encourage and support Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth towards academic and research excellence. If you are thinking of a career in research or are in research already, you should contact us to register your details on [email protected].

Job and CV help
We work very closely with the MKA Sanat-o-Tijarat department in helping students and graduates with the next steps. Feel free to contact us for career guidance but also check out the Sanat-o-Tijarat pages for useful information.
Important advice for students
The current pandemic has created an unprecedented situation for students. Whilst every effort is being made to ensure the education system is disrupted as little as possible, it is becoming increasing likely that the economic prospects for those studying right now will not be the same as previous generations. Furthermore, many experts have pointed out that some students will be disproportionately impacted more than others.
To counter this, we have prepared a few really important topics for you:
- Focus on Islamic Values – nothing can be more powerful than adopting Islamic values to maximise your gain when it comes to studies. Beloved Huzoor Aqdas (aba) outlined the approach in his landmark address at the International AMRA Conference 2019 that is considered essential reading for any student. You can read the full transcript here or watch the address here. And of course we are fortunate to receive weekly guidance from Huzoor’s (aba) Friday sermon and from the MTA programme “This week from Huzoor”.
- Embrace online learning – it is very easy to fall into the trap and think that learning and assessment is on pause.
- Routine – as human beings we are creatures of habits, so having good regular routines is really important. Anchor your days around good Salat practices, and make sure you go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even on weekends.
- Physical Spaces – with the current pandemics, our homes have had to accommodate being our workplaces, place of education, or household place of worship, our gyms, our recreational spaces. With all these demands it is really easy to let your educational spaces to become cluttered and not conducive to learning. Wherever you find the time and space for your learning, whether it’s a dining/kitchen table or your bedroom, make sure you take a few minutes to prepare the space for learning, and remember to put your things away when you are done.
- Mental and physical health – we know from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) that our physical, mental and indeed spiritual states are all closely related. So make sure you look after your mental health by staying in touch with your family and friends as much as possible, and of course take advantage of all the activities that MKA has organised for you. Similarly it is really important to try and eat healthy and stay active in this lockdown, whether that’s finding a favourite YouTube workout to follow or joining your regional or AMSA Strava club.
AKHI – Internships for Khuddam
MKA Guildford – Jalsa Yaum-E-Khilafat
Guildford Qaidat Khuddam Ijtema
Young Khuddam Session
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatulla Alhamdulillah on Saturday 3/12/2022, YOUNG KHUDDAM OF MANCHESTER EAST INTERACTIVE SESSION held at Darul Amaan Mosque. It started with Zuhur and Asar prayers and ended with Maghreb…