Ghana Tour 2025 – Faith & Football
INFO A Historic trip to Ghana to the place where our beloved Huzoor (aba) spent almost a decade! The first International Syed Taalay Ahmad Shield tournament will also take…
The Tahrik-e-Jadid scheme was initiated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) under Divine guidance on 23rd November 1934 in response to a great wave of opposition to the Jamaat, Tahrik-e-Jadid literal translation is “The New Scheme”.
As Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) launched Tahrik-e-Jadid, he lay out its purposes in a number of addresses. On one occasion, Huzoor (ra) said:
“The purpose of launching Tahrik-e-Jadid is to acquire such a fund with which Allah’s message can be delivered as far as the corners of the earth with ease and facility.” (Friday Sermon, 27 November 1942)
Tahrik-e-Jadid began as a temporary scheme to span over a period of three years but, as time passed, Huzoor (ra) extended it further. At its nineteenth anniversary, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) said:
“Now that nineteen years are coming to an end, I have decided that Tahrik-e-Jadid will continue up to your last breaths.” (Friday Sermon, 27 November 1953)
“I hope that Tahrik-e-Jadid will last for countless ages, just as the stars in the sky, so did Allah say to Hazrat Ibrahim that his progeny would be countless. And Hazrat Ibrahim’s progeny greatly served the faith, and the same is being done through Tahrik-e-Jadid.” (Friday Sermon, 22 February, 1935)
In his Friday Sermon of 9 November 1934, Huzoor (ra) stressed the importance of joining Tahrik-e-Jadid:
“Though one is free whether or not to join Tahrik-e-Jadid, but if someone has the means to join it and does not do so because Khalifatul Masih has declared it to be optional, he will be brought to account either in this world or the next…” (Friday Sermon, 9 November 1934)
Tahrik-e-Jadid, as laid out by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra), is not only a scheme of financial sacrifice, but a scheme that demands a complete overhaul of one’s personality and character. Right from the time of its inception, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) told the Jamaat that Tahrik-e-Jadid required them to:
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) himself explained that: “All demands of Tahrik-e-Jadid have been introduced for the reason that you could become manifestation of Allah’s attributes.”
“Remember, Tahrik-e-Jadid is from Allah Ta’ala and that is why it will prosper and all the obstacles in its way will be removed. And if provision for it is not found on earth then the heavens will bless this scheme. Therefore, blessed are they who unreservedly participate in this scheme, because their names will live on the history of Islam with respect and honour. These people will have great honour in the court of Almighty Allah because they went through great trials in order to fortify the faith and Allah Himself will safeguard their descendants. And divine light will issue from their hearts and will illuminate the world.” (Alfazal vol .15, No. 283)
(Quotes sourced from
INFO A Historic trip to Ghana to the place where our beloved Huzoor (aba) spent almost a decade! The first International Syed Taalay Ahmad Shield tournament will also take…