Additional Tarbiyyat: Marriage


101 Questions to take you on a journey through the Islamic belief on chastity, marriage & the holy lives of Prophets, Caliphs & their wives.


Morals 101 is ideal for use at Ijtemas, meetings & classes​!

What does the Additional Tarbiyyat Rishta Nata Department Do? 

The Additional Tarbiyyat Department is responsible for the training and education of Ahmadi Muslim Youth around  marriage. However, this does not only cover marriage itself but is for all Khuddam since we also work towards training and development around living a chaste life. 


1. The training of Khuddam with regards to protecting themselves from the ills of society—a key focus is Tarbiyyat prior to marriage during student life.

2. The education of Khuddam regarding the importance and sanctity of the institution of marriage within Islam and importance of timely marriages.

3. Educating Khuddam on importance of marrying within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

4. How to tackle marriage related issues.

5. Stopping bida’at (straying from or creating new Islamic practice) around marriage.


The department is primarily for the training and education of Khuddam, however, we work closely with the Rishta Nata Department of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK whose specific task it is to make matches.

The Islamic Marriage System

As you go further into the study of Islam, you will discover another beautiful facet of this religion, and that is that it provides complete guidance for all aspects of daily living. You will find that the instructions regarding marriage are particularly comprehensive in both the Holy Qur’an and Hadith (the sayings of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Marriage structures the basic unit of human society and lays the foundation of the family. Healthy families are required for the cohesive preservation of the human race. So Allah commands the believers to marry for its benefits morally, spiritually, socially, psychologically.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) said:

Marriage is my precept and my practice. Those who do not follow my practice are not of me.”


“When a man has married, he has completed one half of his religion.”

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih II has elaborated the role of marriage in fulfilling our obligations to our fellow beings which are next only to our relations to God. He emphasised:

“It is our duty to see that it is duly respected and adhered to faithfully. It entails a heavy responsibility for both man and woman, but I find very few people realize it. When it is attempted, it is done on a very inadequate scale. The Islamic law has only distinguished between two sets of rules. One pertains to God Himself, and the other to our fellow beings. Marriage therefore falls into the second category and may be considered to be its chief proponent. The Islamic law has made the most of it, but there are many people that do not seem to understand [the law] fully. Neither do they try to benefit themselves by it. Their case is like that of a baby who would be quite willing to barter a precious diamond for a base coin. I wish people could only realize the importance of marriage.”

Guidance on Marriage and Relationships


MKA Support Hub: Supporting Khuddam with their questions on relationships


MKA Support Hub is an initiative from Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya under Additional Tarbiyyat Department with an aim to support our fellow brothers with Pre-martial (before marriage) and Post-marital (after marriage) questions, challenges and issues.


We abide by the strictest rules of confidentiality and trustworthiness.

If you have any question or need any assistance please feel free to contact me directly. Alternatively,  you can send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].