Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – Baitul Amn, Hayes

On 6th June 2022, Hayes Majlis celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubliee at Baitul Amn, Hayes by inviting guests from various religious background to engage with them on teachings of Islam, tour of the mosque, and serve them delicious food. 35-40 guests attended the event along with amla members from Hayes khuddam and Ansarullah.


MKA Hayes East was represented by 7 khuddam who assisted with the event from 1:00pm to 5:00pm dedicating 28 man-hours. The khuddam aided with respect to advertising the event, leafletting, security, setting up of the venue, preparation of the food, serving of the food, cleaning, and winding up after the guests had left.


Jazakallah wa ahsanal Jaza to Sumeet Tahir, Saad Haseeb, Fawad Sohaib, Ali Haider Mirza, Ihtasham Mirza Baig, Atif Sohail, and Tairq Mehmood sb for dedicating their time and effort for this blessed event.