Brand New Bulletin

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. 

Welcome to Thornton Heaths brand new bulletin, which is designed to keep the Khuddam of Thornton Heath updated with latest news, events and taleem insights on a monthly basis. This is the first issue to be published and highlights the theme of the year, and introduces some of the amla members to the Khuddam (remaining amla will be introduced in the next issue). In conjunction with the theme of the year, which is “honouring our pledge”, in this issue Khuddam are encouraged to read an Al-Hakm article on Syed Taalay Ahmed sahib to inspire them. 

An ongoing series in the bulletin will be the salat with translation segment, in order to help remind readers of the translation and the correct mannerisms of salat. In this issue we started from the beginning – Wudhu.  Furthermore, other segments that will Iterate are “the book of the year” and “Pearls of wisdom” segments. The former highlights the “Conditions of Bai’at & Responsibilities of an Ahmadi”, which has been selected by beloved Huzoor e Anwar (May Allah be his Helper). And the latter (“Pearls of wisdom”) will present quotes of the promised messiah (as) and his Khulfa’s. From the next issue it will also include a brief summary of the latest Friday sermon. In this months issue, the bulletin published a saying of the promised messiah (as) in which he praised his jamaat and compared his members to the suhaba of the holy prophet (saw), read all about it in the link below.

You can find the bulletin here