Khilafat Jalsa Stevenage (Hertfordshire Region)
MKA Hertfordshire held Khilafat Jalsa in Stvenage to celebrate 20 glorious years of Khilafat e Khaamsa. More than 80 Khuddam and Atfal were in attendance from Stevenage South and Stevenage North Qiadats. The event was chaired by National Mohtamim Talim sb. After Tilawat, Khilafat pledge and Nazam, two faith inspiring speches were listened by the audience. Atfal had also prepared a Tarana. Mohtamim sahib enlightened khuddam on various aspects around the topic. Later floor was opened to Khuddam to tell faith inspiring incidents they had experienced with Khilafa e waqt. Dinner was also served to all attendees.