Khilafat Jalsa Stevenage (Hertfordshire Region)
MKA Hertfordshire held Khilafat Jalsa in Stvenage to celebrate 20 glorious years of Khilafat e Khaamsa. More than 80 Khuddam and Atfal were in attendance from Stevenage South and Stevenage…
MKA Hertfordhsire Talim class
MKA Hertfordshire had Talim class and discussion on the book of the year ‘How to be free from sin’ written by Promised Messiah (as). The session was facilitated by Regional…
Atfal Tarbiyyat Camp – Baitul Amn, Hayes
On 4th June 2022, Atfal Tarbiyat Camp was held from 10am to 2pm at Baitul Amn Mosque, Hayes which was attended by atfal from Hayes East, Hayes West, and Slough. …