Morden Park Local Ijtema – JAN 2024
Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah, Morden Park Jamaat held their annual local Ijtema on Saturday 13th January 2024 at Baitul Ehsan.
We started of the day at 9AM with breakfast. Simultaneously, Registration also took place.
At 10AM, Our Regional Qaid Sb, Hammad ur Rehman Butt sahib, chaired the opening session, which started with Tilawat & Translation, Pledge and Nazm. In his opening speech, Regional Qaid sahib spoke about this Ijtema theme which has graciously been approved by beloved Huzoor (aba). The session ended with silent prayer.
After this Khuddam went downstairs for their indoor sports session, which included arm wrestling and darts, while Atfal stayed upstairs and had their academic competitions, which included Tilawat, Nazm, Adhaan and English speech.
At around 12:30PM, Respected Sadr Sahib Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya UK, Maulana Abdul Quddus Arif sahib, graciously hosted an informal session with the Khuddam and Atfal where they were given the opportunity to seek guidance on any issues or questions they had.
Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered then at 1:30PM and afterwards lunch was served.
After lunch, Khuddam and Atfal switched with Atfal now having their indoor sports session that included FIFA tournament, table tennis, penalty shootout and arm wrestling. Khuddam now had their academics competitions which included Tilawat, Nazm, Adhaan and Prepared Speech.
After these completed, the concluding session started, which was chaired by Mohtamim Maal, Tauseef Ahmad sahib, where he spoke about the theme of this year’s Ijtema Muhammad (saw) – The Perfect Preacher. This was followed by prize distribution ceremony. After this, there was silent prayer and then everyone headed to the mosque for Maghrib Namaz.
Alhamdulillah in total over 80% of Khuddam and Atfal attended this local Ijtema.