Mitcham – Local Ijtema 2025
Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah, Mitcham Qiadat held their annual local Ijtema on Saturday 1st February 2025 at Bait ul Ehsan mosque.
We started off the day with Registration. For the Opening Session, Respected regional Qaid Sajeel Masood sahib and Respected Jamil Bhatti sahib chaired the session. The Opening Session began at 11:00 AM with Recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Pledge, Talqeen e Amal Session and presentation on Theme of Ijtema for this year (Holy Quran – The Casket of jewels). The session ended with silent prayer.
After this Atfal had their Academic Competitions and in parallel Khuddam sport competition were held, which included penalty Shootout, Snooker, Chess, table tennis and push ups. This was followed by Namaz and lunch. For lunch Khuddam enjoyed their Biryani and kheer while Atfal were cherishing on nuggets and chips. After the lunch, Atfal had their Sport competition and Khuddam had their academic competition.

Prize distribution ceremony started at 5:30 pm. Alhamdulillah we had the honour of presence of Respected Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Abdul Quddus Arif sahib at concluding session. Khuddam and Atfal had an honour of some discussion with respected Sadr sahib, who asked different questions based on the theme of the year. This session and the Ijtema were formally concluded with silent prayer.
Alhamdulillah, we had Atfal Attendence of 85% and Khuddam Attendence of 77%, taking the total to over 81% of Khuddam and Atfal at this local Ijtema.
The following video report was played at the final session, covering the highlights of the day: