Cheam South – Local Ijtema 2025

By the grace of Allah, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Cheam South held their local Ijtema on Sunday 5th January 2025 in Baitul Ehsan. 

On the day of the Ijtema, the day started early with Fajr at Baitul Ehsan followed by a hearty breakfast of Channe, Halwa, Naan and continental pastries. This was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present.

Following breakfast and registration, the opening session commenced which was chaired by respected Regional Qaid sahib, Sajeel Masood Sahib. After Tilawat, Nazm and pledge, Local Qaid Sahib Sheikh Raheel Sahib gave a warm welcome to all the participants and reiterated to everyone to have fun and take something away from the Ijtema. Regional Qaid sahib spoke to the Khuddam and Atfal about the importance of regular recitation.

After Dua, the Khuddam and Atfal split into their respective activities. Khuddam academics were held on the 2nd floor of Baitul Ehsan whilst Atfal went for sports in the Noor block of Baitul Ehsan. Khuddam particpated in, Tilawat, Azan, Nazm and Extempore speech.

Aftal sports included Wall torture, Arm wrestling and a sprint race. Atfal competed against each other in a fierce competition with many funny moments and enjoyable memories.

Following the conclusion of these sessions, Khuddam went to participate in sports in the old Baitul Ehsan, whilst Atfal came to the 2nd floor of Baitul Ehsan to compete in academics.

Khuddam were engaged in enthralling duels of Arm wrestling and wrist wrestling whist some enjoyed a more civilized game of snooker and darts. Regardless of the sport, Khuddam participated to the full extent and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The atfal were locked in a heated competition for academic prowess in Tilawat, Nazm, Azan and Prepared speech. Atfal had fun witnessing their friends partaking in these events and rallied behind their peers.

As everyone gathered together before Zuhr and Asr Prayers, a small team quiz was held and was done in the style of the popular game show Jeopardy. The quiz was run by Intesar Ahmad and Shoaib Nasir and had Aftal and Khuddam jumping out their seats to try to get the most ‘money’ for their team.
Throughout the day Khuddam were encouraged to tour the exhibition and partake in the Surah Fatiha Initiative. Khuddam write a portion of Surah Fatiha, in an attempt to create a unique piece of Calligraphy. Atfal were given names of Allah to colour in and take home. They had the meaning of the name so Atfal could chose whatever they liked. Everyone participated with a huge smile after completing their portion.

Following Zuhr and Asr Prayers, lunch served on the second floor of Baitul Ehsan. Pasta, Biryani, fried fish and Kheer was a menu that tantalised the tastebud of everyone including all the guests present.

The ijtema day concluded with the final session, with Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq, Sammar Malik sahib as the Chair. Tilwat and nazm were followed by the pledge and a small ijtema report by Nazim-e-Ala. Prizes were given out to the position holders which then led to the final address by Sammar Malik Sahib. Sammar sahib held a very informal session with the Khuddam and Aftal, in which Sammar Sahib asked the Khuddam and Atfal about the importance of The Holy Quran and why we need to follow the commandments of the Quran.

Dua was led by Mohtamim sahib and the day came to a close.

May Allah bless all those who attended and May we take back what we learned and implement it into our daily lives.