Baitul Ehsan Local Ijtema – FEB 2024

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah, Baitul Ehsan Qiadat held their annual local Ijtema for Khuddam on Sunday 4th February 2024 at Baitul Ehsan Mosque.

The day started with breakfast at 8:30 AM. Simultaneously, Registration also took place.

At 9:00 AM, the Opening Session began, and was chaired by Regional Qaid Baitul Ehsan Region, Hammad Ur Rehman Butt sahib and local Sadr Jama’at. The session started with Recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Pledge and an interactive opening address by Respected Regional Qaid sahib on the topic of this year’s Ijtema Theme [Muhammad (SA) – The Perfect Preacher]. The session ended with silent prayer.

After this Khuddam had their Academic Competitions, which included Tilawat, Nazm, Adhan, Prepared Speech and Extempore Speech. At 12:00 PM, an Interactive Quiz on the topic of Power of Darood Sharif took place using Slido, in which all Khuddam took part. This was followed by Lunch at around 12:45 PM.

This was followed by Zuhr & Asr Namaz, followed by a Talqeen-e-Aml Session, delivered by our Regional Murabbi Imran Akram sahib on the topic of True Friendship. After this at 2:00 PM, some Sports Competitions were held, which included Individual competitions such as Basketball Shootout, Table Tennis and Arm Wrestling, as well as Team Competitions such as Dodgeball and Volleyball.

After these completed, the concluding session started, which was chaired by Regional Qaid sahib. This Session started with Recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Pledge, Nazm, followed by a brief Ijtema Report. A short video on the day’s highlight was also presented. This was followed by prize distribution ceremony. At the end, Chairman sahib addressed the participants of the Ijtema, highlighting the importance of this year’s Ijtema Theme. This session and the Ijtema formally concluded with silent prayer.

Alhamdulillah in total over 80% of Khuddam and 83% for Atfal [who held their Ijtema the day before] attended this local Ijtema.