Khuddam hikers complete first hike of an upcoming series!
On Sunday, 3 Dec 2023, the National SEJ Department organised and led a light hike as part of a new series of hiking events with the ultimate aim to take…
MKA Dudley Newsletter November 2023
November General Meeting – MKA Dudley
Alhamdulillah, MKA Dudley held their first general meeting of the year. 29 khuddam attended. Meeting focused on various Talimi and Tarbiyyati aspects of the khuddam and encouraged khuddam to read…
National Badminton Tournament by Majlis-e-Sehat
Assalamo Alaikum Majlis-e-Sehat will be holding a National Badminton Tournament in Baitul Futuh on 19 November 2023. See below the registration links: Badminton (singles) Registration Link Badminton (doubles) Registration…