General Meeting – Liverpool North & South

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Liverpool North & South held their general meeting on 31st March 2022.

The meeting was chaired by respected Khurseed Ahmad Sahib (Regional Murabi silsila).


Program: (Duration 1 hour)

Tilawat: Qaveem Ahmad

Pledge: Qaid Liverpool North

Discussion 1: Background and purpose of Ramadan (Liverpool North)

Discussion 2: Physical and spiritual benefits of fasting and fasting in different faith (Liverpool South: Rohan and Samar)

Closing Talk & Dua: The philosophy and importance of istighfar (Murrabi Sahib)

Congregational Isha prayer: After Namaz Isha Murrabi sahib gifted pickleball game set to Liverpool khuddam.

The program was attended by 12 Khuddam and 5 Itfal.


Istighfar (Seeking Forgiveness from Allah)

The holy month of Ramadhan is an excellent opportunity to have one’s sins forgiven. Allah’s blessings and mercy are so abundant in this month that anybody who truly repents in it, becomes as free of sins at the end of the month as when he was born. It is a glorious chance offered to us by the Almighty, a chance to cleanse and purify ourselves from the filth of sins and evil. The Holy Prophet has advised believers: O people . . . your back is breaking under the heavy load of your sins, so prostrate yourself before Him (in Ramadhan) for long intervals, and make it lighter.

It is a proof of the love of the Almighty that each year he gives us a chance to clean our record and make a fresh start. Contrary to those who think that Allah is strict and harsh, that He will punish us as soon as we err, Allah gives us many chances to undo the wrong we have done towards Him. The month of Ramadhan is the best of these chances. All the duas for this month teach us to plead for forgiveness and deliverance from the punishment. One who recites these duas sincerely, and is truly repentant, is assured of forgiveness.