Muqami Regional Ijtema 2022

By the grace of Allah, Muqami’s regional Ijtema was held on Sunday 27th March in Rodborough School, Godalming for both Khuddam and Atfal. The following is a brief report of the day’s proceedings. The day kickstarted with the committee members having had  the blessed opportunity of offering Fajr prayers in Masjid Mubarak behind Beloved Huzoor (aba).

Excited Khuddam and Atfal began to fill the halls of Rodborough School at around 8am in the morning and tucked into a traditional Halwa and Channey breakfast. The Opening Session shortly followed in which Respected Attiqur Rehman Sahib (Mohtamim Tarbiyyat MKA UK) chaired the session and said some inspiring words regarding the theme of the ijtema; ‘Honouring Our Pledge.’

Following the Opening Session, the Academics competitions began. Khuddam took part in Tilawat, Nazam, Adhan, Prepared Speech, Extempore Speech, Hifze Qur’an, Hifze Hadith, Hifze Adhiya, Paigham Rasani (Chinese Whispers) and Team Quiz. Whilst the Khuddam were competiting in the Academics, the Atfal were taking part in their sports activities. 

Khuddam and Atfal then offered their Zuhr & Asar prayers together and were delighted to hear an inspiring lecture by the Regional Missionary, Respected Hafiz Mashood Sahib who reminded the Khuddam and Atfal – through the example of the late Maulana Mubarak Nazir Sahib – how we can fulfil our pledge to Khilafat and the responsibilites that we hold as Ahmadi Muslims. This was then followed by lunch in which Khuddam enjoyed freshly made traditional biryani, and the young Atfal brothers tucked into some chicken pasta. Following lunch, the Khuddam took part in a range of outdoor and indoor sports whilst the Atfal competed with eachother in the academic competitions. Khuddam brothers took part in football, dodgeball, badminton, tug of war, 100m sprint and table tennis. After the Academics, the Khuddam were encouraged to listen to a very interesting lecture provided by the Humanity First and MKA Khidmat e Khalq departments. The lecture covered the topic: ‘Disaster Relief.’ 

Throughout the Ijtema, Khuddam and Atfal brothers alike enjoyed the Hub which was organised by the Regional Tarbiyyat department. The Hub was full of exciting games and activities for all to enjoy including Fifa, Hangman Challenge, the ‘Impossible Throw’ challenge, skipping rope challenge, netball challenge and a tuck shop – which also included homemade cakes provided by Lajna. The Maal desk was also running throughout the day in the Hub in which Khuddam were encouraged to pay chanda. The Khuddam and Atfal also enjoyed an Ice Cream van which was parked in the Ijtema site all throughout the day. 

The day came to a close with Respected Usman Ahmad Sahib (Naib Sadar MKA UK) chairing the closing session. After tilawat, the pledge and nazam, Mohtamim Muqami – Respected Sajid Zahid Sahib – delivered a brief report regarding the day’s proceedings. Following this, the prize distribution ceremony took place. This was followed by an inspiring talk by Respected Usman Ahmad Sahib who spoke about the Ijtema theme, ‘Honouring our Pledge’ and our responsibilities as being Khuddam residing near Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aba) & Markaz.

Overall, by the Grace of Allah, the attendance of the Ijtema were 65% Khuddam and 77% Atfal. The best attendance was by Islamabad Qiadat and the most improved qiadat was Guildford Qiadat. The best Qiadat in terms of participation and awards – other than Jamia Qiadat – was Farnham Qiadat

May Allah bless our efforts and enable us to ponder over  our shortcomings and overcome them for future events, ameen.