Regional Ijtema Middlesex and Southall
By the Grace of Allah Almighty Regional Ijtema Middlesex was held on 27th of March 2022 in Pinkwell Primary School Hayes. All the Qiadats came on Ijtema. Considering the attendance Southall came 3rd in it. Also by the Grace of Allah Almighty Southall was awarded the price of being the best Qiadat in the Region for khuddam as well as Atfal. This was achieved because every person in the majlis put their best efforts into the work and showed interest in every activity. Every person made themselves readily available wherever Jamaat needed them. Regular Atfal classes were held. Southall boys helped for the success of Ijtema wherever they could. Also this year like National Ijtema a hub was set up by Southall which was a success, in which different activities were arranged with voucher as gifts to spend on. Southall boys represented the Majlis in the best way they could in all competitions and won numerous prizes in both games and Academics.