MKA Southall Monthly Talim Classes

On the 28th June 2024, Southall held their Talim class for June Alhumdulillah. This event was very successful with an attendance of around 15 people. 

The class was on the theme of ‘Responsibilities of a Khadim’ and involved extracts from Mashale-Rah, writings of the Promised Mesiah as and an extract about responsibilities of khuddam from the National MKA ijtema 2021. We learnt about developing a sense of responsibility and integrity when being given the opportunity to serve the Jamaat and how our attitude/ behaviour directly impacts others, specifically the younger generation looking at us. This concept was greatly emphased by the Promised Mesiah in his book, Noah’s ark. 
May Allah enable us to continue efforts in attending these classes to improve our spiritual knowledge.