MKA Southall Local Khuddam Ijtema 2024

On the 11th of February 2024 Southall held their annual blessed local khuddam Ijtema. Above is a video snippet of the highlights of the day, a summary of the itinerary is as follows:

The day started of early at 9am, where we began registration and a hearty breakfast of Costco’s finest to ready us of the exciting day ahead. The opening session began shortly afterwards, where we were joined by regional Qaid Sb. the itinerary for the day was set out and together, we shared words of wisdom regarding the theme of the Ijtema which was: Muhammad the Perfect Preacher.

Shortly after we began the academic competitions, which had such a substantial involvement by the grace of Allah. Khuddam were able to delve deep into the theme of the Ijtema and have an intellectual discourse about the complexity of preaching and its multifaceted nature.

Having worked our minds for so long, many of the khuddam worked up an appetite. Instead of giving everyone the same food option, we chose a new approach whereby khuddam were able to pick their choice of meal (Biryani, chicken and chips or pizza) on a poll, and then receive their food choice of option, which was much appreciated by all.

We then led Zuhr and Asr prayers before travelling to Dormers Wells Sports Hall for a some healthy competition. activities available, involved, badminton, football and dodgeball. Many of the khuddam showed fierce competition and involvement, by the end of it, everyone was tired from all the rigorous activity. 

We then headed back to Darus Salam Mosque, the host location of the Ijtema, where we engaged in some refreshments in order to regain some energy. After this, we gathered around in a circle and had an interactive session regarding preaching in Islam. there was also an opportunity to discuss possible taboo subjects such as the use of drugs in social circles and how to appropriately choose friends. This was again much well received. We then offered Maghrib prayers.

We were also anticipating to be graced by the presence of Sadr Majlis Khuddamal Ahmadiyya UK, who travelled all the way down from Scotland, stopping at various other Ijtemas and blessing their presence for the concluding session. Despite the understandable wait, a large number of khuddam decided to stay behind for the concluding session. At this point, the prize distribution ceremony occurred, and we shared key highlights of the day. Final remarks were said, regarding the importance of preaching and understanding the theme of the Ijtema not only for the day, but as something we could carry through in our day to day life, exemplified by the words of wisdom of Sadr Majlis. 

By the grace of Allah, the event was very successful and we had an attendance of nearly, 65%, which has been the highest known attendance in recent years. Inshallah this will only continue to grow as we become more absorbed and involved in our blessed Jamaat.