MKA Hayes West – Table Tennis Club After Ishaa

MKA Hayes West launched a Table Tennis club after Ishaa namaaz on Tuesday 1st March to encourage Khuddam to attend congrgational Ishaa Namaaz. Alhumdullilah, we had 13 khuddam attend for Ishaa namaaz and later joined in the Table Tennis club. InshAllah, the initiative will see us add social activities such as Fifa 22, carom board, various board games and fitness equipment to provide an all round experience for our khuddam and ensure we can increase the attendance for congregational prayers. Alhumdullilah with 13 khuddam attending, it was a very successful evening but we pray that we can maintain and attract more khuddam going forward. The table tennis club is open to all khuddam, so we welcome as many khuddam to join in πŸ™‚