MKA Hayes East – Waqar e Amal at Brookwood Cemetery
The Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya (MKA) UK National Waqar e Amal team arranged a Waqar e Amal session to take place on 19th December 2021 at Brookwood Cemetery, Alhumdulillah, three Khuddam from the MKA Hayes East Jamaat participated in the Waqar e Amal activity. The khuddam commenced the day by praying Fajr at the mosque in congregation, this was followed by breakfast. While withstanding the freezing weather, the khuddam cleaned the pathways, gravestones, and the overall area of the cemetery from 9:00am to 12:00pm contributing 9 man-hours to the blessed event. Jazak’Allah wa ahsanal Jaza to Ali Haider Mirza, Muhammad Iqbal Javed, and Syed Asad Hussain from MKA Hayes East Jamaat for contributing their time to the blessed event. May Allah bless you all abundantly. Ameen.