MKA Baitul Futuh Region – New Years Clean Up
Baitul Futuh Region organised its annual Street Clean Up on 1st January 2022 in and around Morden. Over 25 Khuddam took part in helping to keep the streets around Baitul Futuh clean.
The Khuddam commenced the day by praying Tahajjud and Fajr prayers in congregation. At 7:15am, Khuddam were requested to meet at the front of Baitul Futuh starting the clean up from the local vicinity of the mosque until they reached the Civic Centre in Morden. The event wrapped up successfully around 8:45 am with an image of the clean up crew taken in front of the Civic Centre.
Jazak’Allah wa ahsanal Jaza to all Local Qaids and their Khuddam who all contributed their time to the blessed event. May Allah bless you all abundantly. Ameen.