Young Khuddam Session
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatulla Alhamdulillah on Saturday 3/12/2022, YOUNG KHUDDAM OF MANCHESTER EAST INTERACTIVE SESSION held at Darul Amaan Mosque. It started with Zuhur and Asar prayers and ended with Maghreb…
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatulla Alhamdulillah on Saturday 3/12/2022, YOUNG KHUDDAM OF MANCHESTER EAST INTERACTIVE SESSION held at Darul Amaan Mosque. It started with Zuhur and Asar prayers and ended with Maghreb…
The Amoor-e-Tuluba department and AMRA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association) are excited to present this years theme for the AMRA Conference, ‘Honouring our Pledge: Addressing National Challenges Together’. Returning to an in-person format…