Inter Qiadat Talim Class

By the grace of Allah, a joint Talim class was held at the Battersea Salat Centre with Khuddams from Battersea, Clapham, and Clapham Junction. The session, attended by 12 Khuddams…

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Clapham Junction Waqar e Amal

By the grace of Allah, Clapham junction had their waqar e Amal session today at the local salat centre. Alhamdolillah we have been given full access to a storage unit…

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Inter Qiadat Cricket night

By the grace of Allah, Battersea Khuddam organised a cricket session with Khuddam from Clapham Junction at Battersea Sports Centre at 9pm. A total of 16 Khuddam participated. Both qiadats…

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