Southall Ijtema Waqar e Amal

  By the grace of Allah Southall Jammat was able to show up consistently and in great numbers in the Waqar e Amal effort needed for Ijtema. The region was…

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Southall Jalsa Waqar e Amal

On the 1st of July 7 khuddams from Southall travelled to Hadiqatul Mahdi to take part in Waqar e Amal, which mainly involved offloading containers of carpets that arrived in…

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Southall Mosque Clean Up

Alhamdulillah on the 18th of June 2023 over 25 Khuddam from the Region were doing Waqar e Amal in our Mosque, Respected Regional Qaid Sahib also attended. We are taught…

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