MKA Guildford General Meeting Feb 2023

Tabligh Leafleting at Oxford
Members of MKA OXford went to Cornmarket Street in Oxford and delivered True Islam message to the the people of Oxford in February .

MKA Oxford KEK Winter Campaign #2 – Homeless Food Drive
Khidmate Khalq Winter Campaign #2 – On 27th November Khuddam partnered with Sanctuary Supported Living in Swindon and held a Homeless Food Drive where less fortunate were served with hot…

MKA Oxford KEK Winter Campaign #1 – Boxed Gifts to Brighter Future
As part of MKA Oxford Khidmate Khalq Winter Campaign # 1 Khuddam and Atfal from Oxford generously donated Boxed Gifts to Brighter Future charity at Great Western Hospital on 17th…