“Take one part of the namaz at a time, do not think about what is to be recited next, just concentrate on what you are currently reciting”.
During our Talim session the Khuddam watched a short clip of Beloved Hudhur ATBA, in which someone asked Hudhur about keeping concentration within Namaz, it was a funny clip however beloved Hudhur advised what we can do to ensure we offer our Namaz with the level of concentration required by giving tips.
After watching the clip, we started discussing the importance of praying Namaz with full concentration and opened the floor to suggestions on how we can achieve this. It was then that a Khadim advised of what he feels can be done to ensure we don’t lose our concentration, what amazed me was how simple his advice was, he said “take one part of the Namaz at a time, do not think about what is to be recited next, just concentrate on what you are currently reciting”. Such simple advice, which we have heard many times before, yet it seemed like I was hearing it for the first time. We do things in a similar way in so many aspects of our lives, for example when studying for exams, one cannot revise the whole book at once, he or she reads one chapter at a time completing one before moving on to the next, similarly at work, if one is working on a project, you ensure the previous task is completed and completed to the required standard before moving on to the next. When gardening, you complete each task one by one, one wouldn’t plant the seeds without first ensuring the soil is properly ready and fertilized.
I took his advice and felt the difference, I took one part of Namaz at a time and did not think about what is to come next, it was almost like being in a tunnel where you cannot see what is on your left or right, all you see is the destination.
So why is it that we, as human beings, as Muslim’s rush through the very thing for which we were created, Ibadat in this case Namaz, wanting to get to the end before we have even properly started. Why is it that at work we ensure we compete each task to an excellent standard and will not feel contempt until we have done so? To impress our boss, to ensure we are kept within that job so we can continue to receive a salary?
What about impressing him who gave us life in the first place, the one who is the actual provider of that very salary we so crave. Our late Murabby, Muhammad Akram Sahib (May Allah’s mercy be on him) used to say “ we work very hard to increase our bank balance, but are we working hard to increase that bank balance which we will need in the hereafter”, such a simple analogy but when one ponders upon it really hits home, are we just living our lives to make money, pay our mortgages, school fees, groceries and then eventually die? If we take a minute, sit down in a quiet place on our own and ask ourselves this question I feel we may be a little scared of the answer.
May Allah enable us to live our lives for which they were created, to offer our Namaz in such a manner with which Allah will be pleased.
Mohammed Faatih