Brand guide

To download a copy of the style guide, click here.

1.0 history of the mka flag

1.1 Brand History


Since Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is an auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the top left corner of its flag bears the same symbols as the Liwae-Ahmadiyyat (a full moon, Minaratul Masih and a crescent moon). The black and white stripes on the flag represent the centuries of spiritual ascent and decline of the Muslim Ummah.


The Liwa-e-khuddam was to be hoisted at the second Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ijtema on the 25th of December 1939. However, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra directed that until the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat was not hoisted no auxiliary’s flag should be hoisted. Therefore, it was on the 28th of December 1939, right after the flag of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was hoisted for the first time, that Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra also hoisted the Khuddam flag. On this occasion a pledge was recited, the words of which were:

"I pledge that I shall sacrifice my life, wealth, time and honour and shall uphold the honour of this truth, the flag as a physical representation of which at this moment is being hoisted by Huzoor, and the symbol of all the virtues which Ahmadiyyat seeks to spread and establish; and the sign of all the morals which Huzoor wishes to create in Khuddam through Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. And I shall make every possible effort that this flag flies higher than all other flags of the world and it never has to witness defeat."


2.0 majlis KHUDDAMul ahmadiyya uk LOGO DESIGN

2.1 Logo Basics


This is the official, unique and approved Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya United Kingdom logo.

This is the main logo that should be used across all platforms. It is essential that the logo is always applied with care and attention in adherence to these guidelines.

No border is to be applied to the logo. A white border will automatically appear when using the logo on a dark background.

  1. Simple The main logo consists of the Khuddamul Ahmadiyya flag.
  2. Bold: The text comprises of the full name of the auxiliary with the words United Kingdom.
  3. Contemporary: The logo is based on a modern graphical representation of the Liwa-e-Khuddam.


The departmental logos are to be used only for National Amla departments and are issued to a Mohtamim, Muavin Sadr and other National Amla members.


The regional logos are based upon the same concept as the national departments. The name of the region goes at the bottom.


Please note that if local Qiadats require a logo they must request one to be created by the Regional Nazim Isha’at. The National Isha’at Department will try its best to ensure that the Regional Nazim Isha’at is fully aware and trained on the guidelines to creating such logos for Qiadats.

2.2 LOGO USAGE - letterheads


Invitations to events, Ijtemas and other official correspondence should be conducted on the official letterhead. The MKA UK letterhead should only be signed off by the main representative of a National Department, Region or Qiadat such as a Mohtamim, Regional Qaid or a local Qaid.

No seperate letterhead is to be created. The letterhead is produced by the central Isha’at department and approved by Sadr Majlis. If a template is required (in which only the contact details at the bottom are allowed to be changed) the Mohtamim or Regional Qaid should contact Motamid MKA UK.

2.3 LOGO USAGE - videos


Using brand logos as outros is a common way to end videos. Videos may either end or open with the MKA logo. It is advised that the intro contains the department/region logo and the outro the MKA UK logo, or vice versa.


Videos created by MKA UK departments should be branded with the official logo. The correct logo shade - either white text or black - should be selected based on the background colours. Almost every video editing application allows for logo placement.


In some types of videos it is useful to add the MKA logo in one corner of the screen. This is usually placed in the top-right or bottom-right corner of the screen. You may find that the logo does not suit every part of a video but only some places. Ensure that the logo is visible and only the official logo is used without any changes all alterations.

2.4 LOGO USAGE - merchandise

When using the logo on other items of clothing or types of merchandise ensure that the correct colour is used. If a printed logo is to be used then it should not be distorted due to product specifications such as stitching or fabric type. Quality must not be compromised on embroidery.

A choice of two logos

Ensure that the logo is clearly visible when being placed on merchandise. Two logos can be used - one with the text on the right (as displayed in figure 1) or the circular logo (as displayed in figure 2). When being used on the arm ensure that the positioning and angle is correct. To avoid distortion of the minuter details such as the Minaratul Masih use a high resolution PNG, API or EPS file - this can be obtained from the central Isha’at department.


The MKA UK logo should not be used on shorts, lower ends of t-shirts or tops and any item which is disposable. The name of a Region or Qiadat can only be used in the case where it is not a religious name such as that of a Khalifah or holy place like a Mosque


Below are examples in which the logo has been transformed impacting the sizing, shape, style and format of the original logo. This constitutes incorrect usage of the brand.

  1. The Khuddamul Ahmadiyya logo should never be stretched in anyway. If it is to be enlarged then proportions must not be altered.
  2. The Khuddamul Ahmadiyya logo should never be warped, skewed, tilted, rotated or flipped in any form. The logo should be used as it has been issued by the national Isha’at Department.
  3. The Khuddamul Ahmadiyya logo’s colour should never be changed. This should be strictly adhered to. The circular logo never changes colour regardless of instance of use. The text can be white or black only - no other colour can be used in conjunction with the logo.
  4. The Khuddamul Ahmadiyya logo should never be overlaid, dissolved, darkened, multiplied, saturated or converted into black and white. The brightness features should not be tampered with. It is to be used as issued.
  5. Please note the use of the logo with the flare on the top left-hand corner has been discontinued, it should be replaced with the new logo issued by the National Isha’at Department.
  6. Official logos are produced and kept by the national Isha’at Department, downloading logos from other websites will not be the official logo
  7. The logo should not be used as a watermark, nor any writing or images should be placed upon it. Any department within MKA UK is not permitted to create its own logo by altering the official MKA UK logo or Liwa-e-Khuddam.

3.0 mka uk ijtema 2022 logo

THEME OF THIS YEAR’S IJTEMA IS “Honouring our Pledge”


The Ijtema logo is ‘Ijtema’ written in Arabic calligraphy.

This is the main logo that will be used across all platforms for the current Khuddam year. This logo helps audiences identify Ijtema related materials and enhances the professionalism of the brand. It is essential that the logo is always applied with care and respect according to these guidelines. This logo should be used in conjunction with the official MKA UK logo to show the main body it is part of.

  1. DARK MAROON: A dark maroon with a gradient has been used giving the logo an almost brush stroke finish.
  2. GOLD: The gold diacritical marks compliment the shades of maroon to form colours which sit easy on the eyes
  3. BOLD: In line with the connotations of the theme for the year, the logo makes a bold statement yet carries an air of subtlety at the same time

Our logo is the one element that unifies and represents our Ijtema. It has been especially designed to symbolize our name. The logo colours change according to the theme colours for the year.

4.0 ijtema 2022 COLOuR PALETTE


These are the official colours of the Ijtema 2020-21. All the departments are advised to use these colours when they are creating designs regarding the Ijtema. This should be observed very carefully so the theme should look similar throughout the Ijtema. There may be exceptional circumstances where permission maybe sought and given to departments such as Atfal to target their specific audience.

Full colour palette

5.0 mka & ijtema TYPOGRAPHY

5.1 MKA typography


New trends in the design industry are shifting towards more typographic (text based) designs as opposed to heavy graphical representations. This means that getting the fonts, placement of fonts and size etc is incredibly important as it is a major part of design. This page contains the names of the fonts that are commonly used by the National Isha’at department. These are means-tested and professional fonts, it is advised that a selection is made from them when conducting design work for the Majlis.

6.0 Press and Media Policy and Code of Conduct

6.1 Press and Media


Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK (MKA) recognises the impact media coverage has on the public’s perception of Islam, and the followers of the Islamic faith.

As such Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK has taken the responsibility to design this policy document for all Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Press and Media personnel, to ensure that they are making the most of this service by ensuring that media platforms are being used appropriately. Keeping in mind the MKA values, correct etiquette, professionalism and using the service to its highest potential. All press and media personnel must comply to this policy, which has been designed to support members who are using social media accounts.

This policy has been made to support all press and media personnel in making suitable decisions about the use of social media, highlight the standards and expectations of its use, provide an explanation of the organisation’s methods in achieving these standards and to outline the consequences of noncompliance to the policy.

  • Provide comprehensive guidance to all account holders on how to appropriately create, design and operate social media accounts.
  • Provide guidelines to all operators on how to conduct themselves when engaging with the public and dealing with sensitive issues.
  • Help to understand the importance of internalising the values and expectations of the Majlis when operating media accounts.
  • Be clear about the importance of maintaining brand integrity and public image by complying with the Majlis standards.
  • Describe the consequences of noncompliance to the policy document.
  • Ensure the promotions of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya are conducted using the correct


Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Values & Expectations

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK is an auxiliary body of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, with a membership of 8,000 young British Muslims. All MKA UK social media accounts are the intellectual property of Majlis

Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, United Kingdom. Therefore, before creating social media accounts, creating content and promoting the operations of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, all members must understand that they are not only representing the Majlis but also Khalifatul Masih V. As such it is the responsibility of all social media accounts to understand the values and what is expected from them by the Majlis.

In relation to the uses of social media, Beloved Huzoor (May Allah be his Helper) states: “In this day and age, the media has great power – If it is irresponsible then it can fuel disorder and unnecessarily provoke. But if it is responsible, then it can play agreat role in creating peace and harmony within society.

Social media account holders must set an example by practicing the Majlis values of Truthfulness, Respect, Integrity, practicing what you preach, Serving Humanity by fulfilling the right of others and ultimately fulfilling their duty in line with the expectations of Beloved Huzoor (May Allah be his Helper).

3.1. Definition of Social Media

The term ‘social media’ is applied to a variety of technological applications that allow a user to share information to a virtual audience in the form of written material, photography and videos. Social media includes but is not restricted to the following:

  • Multimedia networking and sharing technologies (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Skype, YouTube, LinkedIn)
  • Information sharing sites (e.g. Wikipedia)
  • Forums
  • Opinion sites (e.g. Yahoo! Answers)
  • Blogs
  • Personal web pages
  • All web-based comments, pictures and audio-visual files
3.2. Content

Content should be created and shared on social media accounts with consistent quality and consistent publishing. The aim is to promote the projects, campaigns and other ventures of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya to the wider audience occurring on a local, regional and national level. This will allow MKA accounts to bring in traffic, gain brand authority and become the source of insight and information that people can rely on. It is best practice to ensure that when creating content that has never been published before, to seek guidance and approval from the local Qaid, regional Qaid or Muavin Sadr Press and Media, depending on which organisational level the content is being shared at.

3.3. Audience Engagement

For social media accounts to be successful, alongside content creation, audience interaction is also a key factor. Engaging with the target user is essential in building a formal branduser relationship which will become the driving force of your account’s success. It is crucial when communicating with the public to be respectful and professional in your approach. The aim is to increase repeat engagement through content creation and engaging the public via your posts. Examples of user engagement include, thanking a user for posting a comment or mentioning you in a post, politely replying to a question, making polls, asking your audience questions and responding to the audience promptly.

3.4. Monitoring of Social Media

All MKA social media accounts are the property of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. As such the national Press and Media team, who are directly responsible for all media accounts have exclusive and express authority to monitor every MKA UK Social Media account as and when they deem necessary. This is to ensure social media is being used appropriately and within the parameters of the policy document. Moreover, monitoring will also entail gathering data to measure and analyse the effectiveness of each individual account. In doing so areas of improvement can be identified, to allow a more robust use of the service, increase public engagement and ultimately increase the promotion effectiveness of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.

3.5. Press Coverage Interviews

Interviews with the press must be carried out with the assistance and guidance of the National Press and Media team, to ensure members partaking in interviews are thoroughly debriefed about interviewing etiquette, what is appropriate and what topics should be avoided when interacting with the press. It is important to note that press interviews will be conducted by those members who have been media trained. Furthermore, for the propagation of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya members may be selected by the National Press and Media team for press training.

3.6. Consequences of Noncompliance

Any action that violates this policy document and the values and expectations of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, may result in dismissal from the role and responsibilities of the office that the member is responsible for, and further disciplinary measures may be sought depending on the severity of the action.


All Press and Media personnel are expected by MKA UK to do carry out the following:

  • Thoroughly read through the Press and Media policy document in order to ensure the appropriate use of social media accounts.
  • All social media accounts must be created using the Khuddam email.
  • The creator of the social media account MUST ensure the old passwords of social media accounts are changed at the beginning of their term.
  • Ensure log-in details of the social media accounts are stored securely to prevent security breaches.
  • The account holder MUST provide the Press and Media department with login and contact details should we need to get a hold of them in relation to the media platform.
  • Ensure the correct format is applied across all social media accounts, e.g. account name, account picture, account description, etc.
  • Maintain the brand integrity of the Majlis across all social media platforms by ensuring no action jeopardises the reputation of MKA, e.g. rude language, use of offensive material.
  • Use all social media accounts in accordance with MKA and Jama’at Ahmadiyya values, e.g. being respectful to all members of the public, honesty, non-discriminatory behaviour’s.
  • Ensure that the interests of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya always remain the priority.
  • Use social media accounts professionally and to the best advantage of the service.
  • Form and maintain professional relationships with press and media outlets for the propagation of the message and works of MKA.
  • Ensure all information that is shared on social media is accurate and non- contradictory to the values and work of MKA.
  • To seek guidance and escalate concerns when a topic is deemed sensitive or controversial and likely to evoke negative press.
  • To escalate concerns relating to communications from any thirdparty user or opponents of the Jama’at who aim to threaten the work of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.
  • To uphold professionalism, integrity and confidentiality of information relating to these accounts.
  • Be autonomous in sharing information using your own judgement. However, ensuring approval is sought directly from Muavin Sadr Majlis for Press and Media, before any action is undertaken if you are unsure of the material.
  • Ensure all information that will be posted is accurate, factual and has appropriate grammar and punctuation.
  • Give a thorough handover of account log-in details and necessary information at the end of your term.

It is the duty of all Press and Media personnel to NOT:

  • Engage or promote any form of illegal activity through social media. If any illegal misconduct is identified, this may warrant immediate dismissal of the account holder from their post and further disciplinary action may be taken if deemed necessary.
  • Abuse their official position to benefit themselves, their relatives or friends.
  • Abuse the use of the media platform by violating the values of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK.
  • Share log-in details with any other third party even if expressly asked by fellow Jama’at members.
  • Promote the work of other organisations or groups on social platforms, unless MKA has had direct involvement in working with them, e.g. projects or campaigns.
  • Give away MKA information to other third-party via direct or indirect communication.
  • Allow yourself to be influenced by political or personal beliefs that affect your work when sharing information with the public.
  • Share personal views or opinions on MKA platforms.
  • Accept any bribes, funds, marketing offers or perks from any third party in relation to the accounts.
  • Plagiarise the work of third parties and use as MKA material.

6.2 LOGO USAGE - social media

Note: Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is no longer on Instagram and Telegram. No department, Region or Qiadat should have an MKA UK Instagram or Telegram account.


Image will be provided by the Press and Media department for all National, Regional and Qiadat official accounts. All account holders must use that image for the banner provided by the Press and Media department.


The official logo of the Region, Qiadat or department must be used, (this can be obtained from the central Isha’at department). The logo type must be the one with ‘Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK’ at the top and the name of the Region/Qiadat/department at the bottom.


The name of the account should be ‘AMYA’ and then the Region/Qiadat/National Department name. Avoid using ‘Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya’ or ‘MKA’ as part of the name as this is already covered by the logo in the profile photo.


Description information for all official accounts will be provided by the Press and Media department for National, Regional and Qiadat accounts. Account holders at all level must use that description for the profile of their accounts.